- A young prodigy living in Florida looks for a way out of his poor neighborhood.
- Netflix宣布其首部自家制片的多镜头新喜剧﹑以青少年为目标的《Alexa & Katie》13集首季于美国时间3月23日上线,该喜剧由Paris Berelc及Isabel May主演。《Alexa & Katie》由Heather Wordham meijubar-主创﹑Matthew Car
17讲述了Lewis在10岁那年意外丧母后的成长经历。同时折射出英国战后发展期的社会百态,充满了浪漫主义色彩。背景设定为1950s。- Channel 4的5集剧《#男孩们# Boys》讲述80年代时三个男孩Ritchie(Olly Alexander饰)﹑Roscoe及Colin的故事,剧情长度将横跨10年。三名主角在18岁时离开家乡,带着希望﹑野心来到伦敦。然而当他们感染上爱滋病后(当年有发生血液污染案,造成大量人感染肝炎及爱滋
21A married woman goes on a dangerous weekend trip away from home that sparks desire but ends tragically, making her wonder if the people close to her a- In the future, technology will be able to make the lives of every kid easier. See what happens when childhood curiosity leads to chaos in Circuit Brea