- Harley is an engineering whiz who uses her inventions to navigate life as the middle child in a large family of seven kids.
- 迪亚兹一家有七个孩子,排行中间的哈莉无疑是这个家中最没有存在感的孩子。但事实果真如此吗?她忙着照顾一大家子人的饮食起居,经常用自己的小发明解决大家庭的难题。她就像万能胶,让九口之家紧紧团结在一起。看看这个小女生是怎么撑起半边天的吧!
- Lola and Chelsea know nothing of each other, only that they wait for the bus everyday at the same time. This all changes when the two women intervene