17剧集的故事围绕着两家虚构的英国报社展开。一家是由女主Holly Evans(Charlotte Riley 饰)工作的《先驱报》(Herald)。作为一家老派、左倾且主打严肃新闻的报纸(普遍被英国观众...- It’s 1958 and trouble is brewing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester. Reverend Will Davenport (Tom Brittney) relishes his role as a firebran
10972《神探夏洛克》是一部由BBC出品的英国迷你电视剧,该剧将原著的故事背景从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的大都市中。这一次夏洛克·福尔摩斯(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict...- This series is set in the long hot summer of 1959 and wedding season is in full swing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester.As the Reverend Wi