- 由奥斯卡奖得主巴里·詹金斯(Barry Jenkins)倾力打造并全权执导的亚马逊新剧《地下铁道》(The Underground Railroad)公开新款预告,并终于定档5月14日。这部虚构历史剧会聚焦Cora,她是乔治亚州一个棉花种植园上的奴隶。在得知有一个逃脱网络(建于19世纪中期的地下秘密
- The story of young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a differ
12日常工作是一部由J. G. Quintel创作,在Cartoon Network播出的美国动画片。剧集由两个生活在一起的朋友展开:一只名叫摩迪凯的蓝色松鸦和一只名叫瑞格比的浣熊。两人都是一家公园里的员工。他们经常因为想要偷懒而惹出事端,把事情变成超现实的灾难。 The daily surre- The daily surreal adventures of a blue jay and raccoon duo that attempt to deal with their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local park.