7423After achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock, played by Academy & Emmy Award Winner Kathy Bates, re重返天堂岛
76The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the红灯区风云
45Luden, a six-part series on the pimps who controlled the red light district in Hamburg at the end of the 1970s. It centers on the rise of Sonny Boy Kl好女孩的谋杀调查指南
243This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police异能第一季
34该剧剧本由Charlie Huston创作,David Slade将导演前两集。索尼前不久在E3大展上正式宣布将漫画《Powers》改编成一部PlayStation 4专属的电视剧集,这将是PlayStation的首部「原创电视剧集」,订数为10集。该剧将由索尼自家的电视制片公司制作,故事混合了超级西班牙公主第二季
143Starz过去宣布拍摄《白王后 The White Queen》及《白公主 The White Princess》的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主 The meijubar- Spanish Princess》,由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据Philippa Gre gory所著的小阴差阳错第一季