  • 波吉亚家族法国版第一季

  • 主演:约翰·道曼 伊索尔达·戴查克 阿特·马里克 迪尔米德·诺伊斯 Mark·Ryder 阿松波塔·塞尔纳 玛塔·加丝蒂妮 Victor·Schefé 
  • 状态:完结
  • 导演:奥利弗·西斯贝格
  • 类型:罪案历史剧情
  • 简介:故事发生在意大利文艺复兴时期。是一个属于达芬奇,属于米开朗琪罗,属于启迪式创造力和无与伦比才智成就的时代。但它同样也是一个马基亚维利式的时代,一个罪犯猖獗、战争肆虐、腐败横行的时代。当时西方世界的中心梵蒂冈是一系列王国间冲突的仲裁者。而在这权力的中心有着这样一痴迷于权力对教廷圣座虎视眈眈的男子。后世将他视为冷酷无情的代名词,同时也是罗马天主教历史上最臭名昭著的教皇——罗德里戈·博尔吉亚。他有四个孩子。长子名叫胡安,是一个傲慢、懒惰的性狂热者。另一个儿子凯撒挣扎于信仰与残暴天性之间。女儿鲁克里娅则探索着作为女性一大秘密武器的性诱惑力...猜你喜欢美国版的《波吉亚家族第二季》。  ★英文简介:      It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest for power would propel him to seek the ultimate prize, the holy see of Rome. He was a man whose name would become synonymous with ruthlessness, and whose reign as pope would be remembered as the most infamous chapter of the history of the Catholic church -Rodrigo Borgia. His four children -Juan, the oldest, a prideful, lazy, unscrupulous sexual predator, Cesare, a young man torn between a faith that was not his calling and his dark violent nature, Lucretia, a young girl discovering the secret power that a women"s sexuality holds...


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