    • 权利的堡垒第一季

    • 主演:西瑟·巴比特·科努德森 比吉特·约尔特·索伦森 皮鲁·埃斯贝克 
    • 状态:本季终
    • 导演:索伦·克拉格·雅格布森
    • 类型:悬疑剧情
    • 简介:第一集开场非常抓人,剧情一波三折,关于Prime Minister的选举候选人之间的各种明争暗斗。 前任rimeMinister的下台基本是预料之中,自从他为老婆刷了7万政府资金开始。Birgitte的参谋Kasper说得对,如果他手中的情报用的好,会让“正确”的人当选。    “正确”一词,值得玩味。前首相其实不能说是一个“坏”首相,第二集里的一个部长也说了,前首相其实做的很好,可他错就错在不该拿公款刷卡,政治上一点瑕疵都不能留下。更讽刺的是,帮助Birgitte获得最多席位的Kasper,自己却被扫地出门。仍然讽刺的是,第一集Birgitte否定了Kasper曝光前首相丑闻的提议,在第二集里,却批准了曝光劳动部长的提议,都是为了达到实现民主的目的。这就是政治。而女记者Katrine是真心爱前总理的PR内参,爱到哭得死去活来。    Birgitte的丈夫很有爱啊,第二集里她开始动摇的时候,他告诉妻子如何将谈判桌上的人的注意力都集中过来,这种政治魄力,对人格魅力要求很高。    第二集里更是丑闻连连,为了争夺内阁,各部门各自发飙,劳动部丑不可言,连前首相都虚晃一枪,上电视,拉声誉,想力挽狂澜。     丹麦的整体国情和荷兰很类似,被荷兰人认为是最像荷兰的国家:一样的女王 首相。更类似的一点,我们的首相也是骑单车去上班,正如Birgitte在自己的获胜party上庆功结束后,也会像普通人一样打个车回家。 ★英文介绍:  A political drama about a prime minister"s rise to power, and how power changes a prime minister. Amazon:    Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures, Borgen uncovers a world of political and personal intrigue. The setting is Borgen, the nickname for Denmark"s Parliamentary building, otherwise known as"The Castle". After scoring her party a landslide victory through her idealism and work ethic, the smart and sexy populist Birgitte Nyborg now faces the biggest dilemma of her life. The question is: Will she succumb to pressure of compromise on her ideals and face consequences both on and off the political stage?  "Simply unmissable" *****--The Times"Intriguing from the start, deftly paced and retains interest throughout" *****--The Financial Times"Why can"t we [the UK] make political dramas this gripping and sexy?" *****--The Independent"Absorbing drama with a captivating performance from Knudson, possibly the most fully rounded female character on TV" - *****-- The Independent"Birgitte Nyborg is the best thing since The Killing"s Sarah Lund"--The Guardian


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