• 谁是真凶第一季

  • 主演:Gildart·Jackson 
  • 状态:本季终
  • 导演:安东尼·E·祖克尔
  • 类型:真人秀
  • 简介:这是一个竞技类游戏节目,是根据《犯罪现场调查》、《犯罪心理》这类剧集改编而来——13名「业余侦探」将在节目中展开角逐。节目一开始他们将接受「调查一起悬案」的任务,并得到相应的线索。他们必须根据这些线索展开调查,运用合理的犯罪调查技巧来发现更多真相,最终找出「凶手」——这个「凶手」就「躲藏」在13名参赛选手之中。每集将淘汰掉一名选手,余者下集开始调查新的案件,直到最后剩下三人。三人中只有一人能够揭露「凶手」的真实身份,此人将成为25万美元大奖的得主。Whodunnit? is an interactive series that puts 13 amateur sleuths investigative skills to the test in a riveting mystery reality competition. Players will use a variety of crime scene investigation techniques to meticulously uncover evidence in a series of puzzling murders and to ultimately reveal who among them is the killer. Some players will form alliances in the competition, while others will choose to go it alone in their quest for the grand prize of $250,000. The contestants will be guests on a glamorous estate called Rue Manor with a steward, Butler Giles (Gildart Jackson), and each week must solve a new crime in order to advance in the game. Failure to solve the crime will lead to a players demise, until only three are left. In the final episode, one player will unmask the killer and take home the $250,000 prize.   Anthony E. Zuiker, creator of the CSI franchise, brings the world of murder and intrigue to his first primetime reality series, Whodunnit?, airing in nine episodes this summer on the ABC Television Network. Cris Abrego partners with Zuiker for the new series.

