• 美国达人秀第三季

  • 主演:珊农·奥斯博内 皮尔斯·摩根 大卫·哈塞尔霍夫 
  • 状态:本季终
  • 导演:未录入
  • 类型:真人秀
  • 简介:你的生活中,有私底下引以为豪,却不敢拿出来显的绝活吗?选秀节目——America s Got Talent,将给全美国的才艺达人秀出自己的机会,任何有一技之长,认为可以到舞台上一展丰姿的人,都将有机会参与,并最终闯入决赛,与众多好手争夺百万赏金。英文简介:    The third season of America"s Got Talent, an American television reality show talent competition, premiered on NBC on June 17, 2008. Preliminary auditions were held in New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and MySpace from January to April. Sharon Osbourne, Piers Morgan and David Hasselhoff returned as judges. Jerry Springer also returned as host. It premiered in the United Kingdom 7 months after the US on ITV2,in Singapore by Channel 5 and debuted in September 2008,and on Hong Kong TVB Pearl on May 23, 2009. This season, the audition stage became different. This season, the X on the stages (above) and (judges table) matched the ones from Britain"s Got Talent or has been borrowed for this season. This season started broadcasting live on August 26, 2008, following a 3-week hiatus for the 2008 Summer Olympics

