• 默多家族谋杀案:美国司法世家丑闻第二季

  • 主演:未知
  • 状态:本季终
  • 导演:Michael·Gasparro,Julia·Willoughby·Nason
  • 类型:记录罪案
  • 简介:Season 2 of Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal will feature first-hand accounts from those who were there the days leading up to and following the murders, giving more insight into that deadly night, including Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson (Former Murdaugh Family Housekeeper) and Mushelle “Shelly” Smith (Caregiver for Libby Murdaugh) – who became some of the most powerful witnesses at the trial – Curtis Edward Smith (aka Cousin Eddie), and Gwen Generette, one of the trial’s jurors. Morgan Doughty, Paul’s ex-girlfriend, Anthony Cook, Paul’s friend, and Valerie Bauerlein, Wall Street Journal reporter, also return.

