1027施瓦辛格的代表作之一、詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的1994年经典动作/喜剧片《真实的谎言》将被拍成剧集。福斯已承诺试播集,将由《邪恶力量》《橘子郡男孩》制作人之一McG执导,《绿箭》《明日传奇》主创之一、《绿...- A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a su
60讲述了伊萨卡岛国王奥德修斯在结束了长达20年的特洛伊战争后回到那片熟悉的领土,结果却发现本属于他的王国遭到了侵略势力的野蛮摧残,在猛如虎豹的敌人面前,他是否能夺回了妻子和儿子以及属于他的国土呢?...... (来自深影字幕组)- A snobbish housewife is determined to climb the social ladder, in spite of her family"s working class connections and the constant chagrin o f her lon
- A snobbish housewife is determined to climb the social ladder, in spite of her family"s working class connections and the constant chagrin o f her lon
- A snobbish housewife is determined to climb the social ladder, in spite of her family"s working class connections and the constant chagrin o f her lon
- Amazon剧《#诈欺担保人# Sneaky Pete》第二季定于美国时间3月9日上线,第二季剧情讲述Pete(Giovanni Ribisi饰)被兄弟档犯罪调查侦探Frank Hooper和Joe Hooper找上,Frank和Joe所知道的是,Pete的母亲Maggie(Jane Adams饰)
- 伊丽莎白家现陌生男人"衣冠不整",引海厄辛思愤恨不已,决意上门,结果......
17Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (bou-quet). Created and writ