159Starz过去宣布拍摄《白王后 The White Queen》及《白公主 The White Princess》的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主 The meijubar- Spanish Princess》,由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据Philippa Gre gory所著的小误打误撞第一季
133喜剧惊悚片,讲诉一对废材办公室小职员无意间卷入一场致命犯罪阴谋中- Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built w
11Based on the eponymously titled novel, this is the powerful real-life story of Lale Sokolov, a Jewish prisoner who was tasked with tattooing ID number绝望写手第三季
1076分开一年之后,Deborah Vance(珍·斯马特 Jean Smart 饰)因其单口特辑的成功而如日中天,而Ava(汉娜·爱宾德 Hannah Einbinder 饰)则在洛杉矶寻找新的事业机会。