- 重启版讲述Amerie成了哈特利高中的贱民,还和自己的死党Harper公开闹翻了。在新朋友Quinni和Darren的帮助下,Amerie必须修复自己的名誉,一路上还得找到正确的方法去面对爱、性和心碎。 原剧是1993年澳大利亚电影《伤心小孩 The Heartbreak Kid》的衍生剧,讲述
48"What We Do in the Shadows" has been renewed for both Season 5 and Season 6 at FX霓虹声梦
5258Carol Bolton (Sarah Smart) is feisty, passionate and reckless. Life has dealt her a raw deal. She li...- Modern-day confectioners relive the world of historical sweets making centuries-old treats from original recipes guided by historians Annie Gray and
- BBC续订《警与囚》第二季,故事设定在一所全女子监狱。
- Addie tries to get her village to make a memorial to the women who were put on trial for witch craft there. Can she challenge the way her community se