26故事发生在1795年的法国,下级军官拿破仑(克里斯汀·克拉维尔 Christian Clavier 饰)遇见了美丽的约瑟芬(伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini 饰),一见钟情的两人很快就走到了一起。之后,拿破仑在战争中的出色表现和人民对他的拥戴引起了巴黎政府的不满,上司将拿破- 本剧是BBC和HBO Max合作的浪漫正喜剧(dramedy),共8集。在2020年柏林电影节展映了前5集,收获了一定好评。本剧由Gary Carr(堕落街传奇)、Ariane Labed(龙虾),和Thalissa Teixeira(火枪手)领衔主演。 讲述了一个三人爱情的故事。在拥挤且物价昂贵的
- A dysfunctional cast is forced back together and must deal with their unresolved issues in today’s fast-changing world. The series stars Keegan-Michae
- On the night of his college graduation, Jimmy falls back into the arms of his ex-girlfriend Jill, much to the concern of his friends and parents who w